Robin L. Sandos E-Portfolio
While taking a reading poetry class at FSU I found out that I have a passion for writing it. Below are some acrostic poems that I wrote and hope you enjoy. The below poems are acrostic poems where the first letter of each word of each line spells out a word or message.
The first two poems listed below were entered into poetry contests with Eber & Wein Publishing. The "CORONAVIRUS" poem was selected to be in the Eber & Wein Publishing's Best Poets of 2020: Quarantine Edition". The "9, ONE, ONE" poem made it into the semi-final round of the 2016 "Poetry Nation's National Amateur Poetry Competition" and it was featured in the multi-volume series titled "Upon Arrival".
Chaos of true and false information is constantly dispensed to every ONE.
ONE day turns into ONE week, into ONE month and soon ONE year, yet we fight.
Round and round goes the news, politics, and science confusing ONE by ONE, yet we fight.
ONE case rapidly spreads to hundreds, to thousands, to millions scaring every ONE.
No, don’t wear masks, but wait yes, every ONE must wear masks to bear arms in this fight.
Alone, hundreds, thousands, and hundreds of thousands pass as they horrifically lost this fight
Values tested, beliefs tested, as the economy falls, as torment is birthed affecting every ONE.
Individuals, nurses, doctors, essential workers rally ONE by ONE to give, sacrifice and fight
Random strangers and businesses rise ONE by ONE donating aide to continue and fight.
United we stand, helping ONE another, never giving up, but rather coming together as ONE.
Souls, brave, strong and valiant fight on, risking all, helping, giving, and uniting as ONE.
Click on the above pics of letters from Eber & Wein Publishing to enlarge them.
Never Forget 9/11/2001!
I wrote the next poem in honor of all those who lost their lives on 911. On this horrific day, I was living in NYC and in Interior Design Studio Class at FIT. I remember the day and weeks following like it was yesterday. This poem is for every ONE!
On this horrific day I walked to work to a new waitress job that I had just gotten at a restaurant in the West Village. The subway was shut down from where I was on 23rd St. and all the way down town. There was no business for the restaurant that day or the entire next week. On 9/12 we had to close the doors to the restaurant because the huge cloud of dust from the towers was in the air and making it's way towards the businesses in the West Village. There was a layer of dust on all of the outside tables. As I walked to work everyday I would pass street lights with posters of missing people, flowers, and pictures of loved ones lost or missing. It was an unbelievably sad and surreal period in history. It is ONE that will never be forgotten.
No… it can’t be… NO! 911!
Innocence ripped from every ONE!
Not ONE soul secure or sheltered.
Each ONE in an unbelievable ghastly awe!
Energies of ONE charge forth to aide!
Love of ONE ascends above thy ruins.
Evolution of we are ONE begins.
Visions of ONE helping ONE born.
Endurance of ONE species rises.
New divine decree prevails as ONE!
How do we live as ONE?
Ultimately the answer is as ONE!
Mankind exists & consists of ONE race.
And yet we fight this truth of our ONE race.
No religion, politics, or wealth changes our ONE race.
Render the vision of our ONE race.
And make this our future ONE.
Come together and unite as ONE.
Evolve, grow & become our race of ONE!
Into the deep blue mass they swim and conquer 2.4 miles of the unknown.
Racing more than just a race or challenge but an accomplishment of the soul.
One hour, two hours, four, six, eight or more they keep pushing on.
Never giving in but rather believing, pushing, moving closer and closer to finish.
Men, women, young, old, beginners or professionals all with one goal.
Along their journeys their bodies, minds and souls are tested beyond beliefs.
Never quit, never give up but rather push on and finish not one but three events.
Another discipline begins, the 112 mile bike, to conquer and power through.
Taking it mile by mile, pacing, believing, pushing on and conquering.
Heals, feet and legs push, pull, up, down and around pedaling their souls forward.
Leading their strong bodies into transition and onto the 26.2 mile run course.
Every thought, desire, drive, and total determination is to cross that finish line.
Taking in the surreal moments, hearing the cheering crowd, and seeing the end.
Everything trained and fought for has now come to their FINISH as an Ironman.
Trifecta: swimming, biking, running FAST
Racing with an early rise of black skies
Into ocean athletes dive, pull, kick, swim
Around others, they fight waves, pass buoys
Transition FAST, QUICK, in, out bike begins
Heels, feet, legs, push, pull, down, around pedal
Last event arrives, bike racked now run
One hour, two hours, five, nine or more
Nothing stops them, willpower, desire, passion
Souls –- strong, dedicated, driven, deliver, FINISH!
Building strength and speed
Racing hard in the zone
Energy staying strong
Always pushing on
Killing the competition
Instilling the win
Never giving up
Going for it
Rendering the vision
Encouraging it though pain
Conquering the journey
One moment at a time
Remembering the hard work
Demonstrating it all
Saying it’s mine!
Dreaming for
Envy of
Solicit for
In need of
Reaching for
Ever wanting
Ruling the road
Advancing forward
Conquering the fight
Idealizing the win
Never giving up
Ground breaking strength
Looking at the weather forecast: Rain? Sun?
Estimating the correct time to roll
Time set, group together, let the RIDE begin
Starting strong, holding lines, drafting, pulling
Ride pace turns getting faster and faster
Inside the draft pushing hard, must stay on
Determined, focused, fighting, staying on
End in sight, final push and STRONG FINISH!
Cycling, biking or riding
Young ones, old ones, new and pros
Camaraderie, courage, passion
Living, breathing, sleeping RIDE
Every thought, desire is RIDE!
Together we embarked on a courageous adventure
Wanting, striving, pushing for one goal, a finish
One hundred miles was only the half way point
Hundreds of miles were spent training & prepping for this ride
Under the sun’s light from sunrise to sunset we rolled
Numbering the miles & hours as they went by one at a time
Determined, focused & pushing on to finish 200 miles strong
Relying on team work, sag vehicles, nutrition, and mental strengths
Encountering technical, physical & mental challenges along the way
Dedicated & devoted support team keeping us going strong
Managing energy levels, hydration, & nutrition to sustain the ride
Imagining & visualizing the finish of this desired accomplishment
Learning new challenges & struggles to overcome and defeat
Encountering like minded athletes, souls & friends along the journey
Surreal ending & accomplishment of a hard fought finish to an EPIC Ride
(long version)
Entering the ride we rolled from sunrise to sunset
Picturing and visualizing a finish of a 200 mile adventure
Into deep moments of pushing on, we fight to keep going
Capturing the beautiful landscape around us as we rolled by
Riding wise, determined, & focused to finish strong
Irritating pains from hours in the saddle are ignored
Dedicated support team keeping us rolling on hours after hours
Ending & finishing this 200 mile journey for an EPIC ride with friends
(VT version)
Energy from sunrise to sunset met
Pains ignored to keep pushing on
Imagining, visualizing the finish
Cascading 50 mph descents
Rolling scenic views
Inconceivable Mt Terrible climb
Determined, focused, pedaling on
Energy maxed & finish accomplished
It's true that life experiences help with creativity as seen above and as is seen in the below. I wrote 2 poems after the sad passing of my sister's 3 month old baby girl and then 2 poems one on Mother's Day and the other on Father's Day.
(this is dedicated to my 3 month old niece Kenzie who passed in Jan.)
Angle who is tiny and young but mighty and strong
New world to explore and shine bright in
Gentle and loving soul that's deeply missed
Expressive soulful eyes of endless love
Life's journey is now guiding us from above
Blooms forth eternity
Love that dost not dwindle
Arrive forth modern land
Casualties that pursue re-birth
Kills towards new beginnings
Resurrection of life
Ominous eyes where love prevails
Severed paths evolves new era
Everlasting LOVE
Much more than words can describe
Ongoing endless support & love
Teachers of life's lessons & journeys
Heroes of keeping everything working smoothly
Educators of the meaning of family, life, & love
Real, honest, & always there in person or inner voice
Fun loving, hard working & dedicated to family
Always there in person, spirit or inner thoughts
True wisdom to guide all through life's journey
Helping, caring, & listening always & at anytime
Energy that's always put forth to protect the family
Real, honest, courageous and genuine everlasting love
Valiant heroes who serve for ALL
Ever sacrificing and giving for ALL
Tails too horrific to tell yet paid for ALL
Enduring struggles beyond comprehension for ALL
Rising to the ultimate act of courage for ALL
Answering their call to give ALL for ALL
Never giving up but pushing on for ALL
Solders; brave, young, old, new combat for ALL
Demonstrating the meaning of life for ALL
Always willing, always bequeathing for ALL
Yielding themselves so ALL may live for ALL
Nostalgia of another year of growth & lessons has completed
Endings & yet new beginnings with motivating dreams are set into motion
Wise lessons with new goals are implemented & now embarking on thy journey
Years fly by, but thy growths & lessons last a lifetime & more
Ending this year only to begin another wiser & ready for the new challenges
Around & around the years pass by creating gains of wisdom's & strengths
Realizing the meaning of life is to LIVE EACH DAY TO THY ABSOLUTE BEST!
Touching & meaningful moments shared with LOVE
Hosting, cooking, sharing, giving, & being LOVED
Atmosphere of beautiful feasts & aromas of all that is LOVE
Never ending stories of memories of lives lived & LOVED
Kindhearted laughter’s ringing musically through the air with LOVE
Siblings, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, cousins or friends, all LOVED
Giving is the name of this great holiday & yes, we all do it with our LOVE
Immaculate rows of delicious; apple, pecan, & pumpkin pies that are yes, LOVED
Visitors from near or far all travel here to share this magical day of LOVE
Inquisitive children run, play, laugh, eat and learn this meaning of family LOVED
Nuances of this majestic Fall setting can only be rendered in one word; LOVE
Giving, living, sharing, young or old, celebrating this day for all that are LOVED
Magical moments of giving, sharing, & loving with family & friends
Early rise with delicious aromas from breakfast fill thy home
Reading holiday cards & gifts while sharing memories of family past and present
Rendering each precious moment in thy heart & soul so one never forgets
Young, old, bright or wise or just plain silly all share in this great holiday
Christmas brings thy family together in a world of so much uncertainty
Here, on this day we embrace and share in each other’s great love for family
Rolling laughter’s fill the home as all are just simply happy to be together
Interesting & peculiar gifts are given for laughs or simply saying thinking of you
Silent moments taken to reflect on those loved & missing on this day
Teasing from brothers & sisters make their rounds at the dinner table
Memories of the many Christmas Days from the past are joyfully shared
At last, as the day comes to an end all are grateful for the family time shared
So… ENJOY this & all Christmas’ as it’s sharing love & life with family & friends
Men or women, old or young giving ALL for ALL
Energies of the ultimate sacrifice met for ALL
Magnificent feats of courage & strength for ALL
One’s journey fought & given for life for ALL
Relentless valor & discipline met for ALL
Illuminating souls of undeniable courage for ALL
Always giving & always fighting for ALL
Love for thy county, family, & friends for ALL
Devotion of the utmost level given for ALL
Audacity that never gives up but fights for ALL
Yielding heroic souls, giving ALL for ALL